Friday, February 29, 2008


Scribd is a website where users can share and post all kinds of documents for free. These documents include E-books, presentations, essays, academic papers, newsletters, photo albums, school work and sheet music. The sites newest application is ipaper which uses a document format that is specifically built for the web. It gives users a more efficient experience while using Scribd.
The website is a global community that connects publishers, readers, and collaborators. It is a simple method to publish and distribute electronic books and documents. Users have the option of setting the privacy of their document, and can specifically choose who views their work. Another advantage is that users can upload an infinite amount of documents. Although it is easy to upload documents onto Scribd, users can not directly convert images onto their document. The image must be part of a PDF or Word document in order to upload to the site. The websites older server, FlashPaper, is no longer available so users are required to install the ipaper application. Another disadvantage is that once a document is uploaded it can not be edited.
Organizations could highly benefit when using Scribd. Presentations, announcements, and planning would all benefit with the addition of using this website. All members of an organization could easily access the website and view documents made by fellow members as well as other branches of their business. If members are not able to all meet together, they can access the website and view presentations that they would have missed. The site also allows organizations to publish their ideas to the public and get feedback.
On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate Scribd at a 5 for its usefulness. The website is a easy and effective way for anyone to create and share documents.

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