Friday, May 16, 2008


In last semesters ACOM378 class, I was partnered with a classmate, to look into GoogleDoc. What I learned about GoogleDoc, was very little. I learned that it was a place where people can blog freely, save presentations, spreadsheets and mail. Individuals could even share there information with other people. My Conference presentation, journals and blogs for example could be saved under GoogleDoc. All I needed was an Internet connection and I wouldn't have to worry about carrying my own laptop everywhere, or even a travel drive. Its like having an online Favorites folder. However things have changed from then to now. GoogleDoc has now found a way for people to connect and view their own work OFFLINE.

GoogleDoc has now developed a way to view and edit your documents offline, without an Internet connection. GoogleDoc something called "Google Gears" which is an open source browser, that "adds offline functionality directly to the browser." GoogleDoc will use information stored in your computers hard drive as opposed to information sent to the network. When you view and edit a document, it will be saved on the computer until you do reach an internet connection which will update the documents changes on GoogleDoc. The new version of the GoogleDoc server is very innovative and helpful for people in organizations, schools, or anywhere in the workforce that uses technology.

This new server is very advantageous especially for those in the workforce or school. This is seen as a communication technology because it places all of your work into one safe and secure place. It gives you the ability to "share documents and calendars securely with your co-workers with just one click." GoogleDoc can be accessed from any computer, and even mobile phones. This would be an ideal application to use for Group communication, because BLS still has its bugs to work out. There is googletalk, where groups could chat, a Calendar and an area to share ideas on. A disadvantage of GoogleDoc offline, is that you cannot create documents offline; only fix ones that have already been created. With GoogleDoc, you can publish your work, collaborate, import and export your work however creating a new document is not possible.

The question I ask every time I evaluate a communication technology is "Will we be better without it?". The answer to this question is no. With a technology that can be used offline it makes it better for everyone to have their work in any type of connection failure. Especially when your interviewing and have prepared a presentation for potential bosses. GoogleDoc offers online ,and offline help which many Internet based applications have not offered. Despite the system requirements and size limits, many computers are within the requirements. This is the one technology I've found that is perfect for schools as well. Allowing teachers to edit and grade all in one trustworthy application.


High priority

by Samantha Justino

There are many different types of organizations all over the world. Fraternities, sororities, and businesses are all considered organizations. However, hospitals are rarely referred to as organizations. Anyone that has entered a hospital knows that it is easy to lose communication with one of the nurses or doctors due to the volume of patients. Some people are left waiting for hours just to get questions answered, some are left in waiting areas all day, just to be seen once. Now there is a new technology that is being developed to alleviate these type of issues. This new communication technology is called a Telemedicine program.

As technical infrastructure begins to advance this program begins to surface as a possible way to give patients more efficient, clinical consultations. Telemedicine will be conducted through videoconferencing. "Video conferencing can provide healthcare organizations with innovative ways to deliver clinical consultations explore) The formation of this new communication technology has been geared toward certain locations such as prisons. This is where many healthcare organizations can make more money. Creating a videoconferencing technology in which inmates will be connected to a healthcare center, so to speak.

This communication technology does come with its advantages and disadvantages. Economically it would be favorable toward the healthcare organizations. This could also increase efficiency in how hospitals and clinics function. Just the other day I was trying to see my doctor at Montefiore medical center in the Bronx. Due to the high volume of patients that they tend to on a day to day basis, I was not even able to go in as an emergency walk-in; which should always be available to any patient in need. If Montefiore, for example had virtual clinical consultations, I perhaps wouldn't have waited 2 hours for a negative response from a phlebotomist. Perhaps with the virtual consultations, I could've gotten my answers from a nurse or doctor themselves, at their desk or looked up the FAQ's of clinical consultations. This telemedicine program could save time, and energy. You can explain thoroughly to a specialist of what your problems are rather than decide, alone whether it's worth going to see a professional for.

The disadvantages would be if the program reaches a great level of success. This would mean that less staff would be needed in health centers. The elimination of small communication nodes would begin because clinical consultations could be handled by nurses or doctors, or even just one node that could handle the virtual aspect of the center themselves. These virtual clinics could save people a lot of time and possible save lives; the lives that have anxiety about walking into the doctors office. However, this program could reach a certain level of success and then stop and a standstill. People without any form of computer technology in there homes will not be able to use virtual clinics. What is the use of creating another communication technology if it will not increase the patient volume and help the community? Those who do not have home offices might as well do what I did this past weekend; wait for a nurse to call.

I would give this communication technology, a 3 out of 5 on a 5 point scale. I believe it is an innovative idea that could possibly change how healthcare organizations function. However if it does not benefit more people after it has been implemented then it is not necessary to utilize it. It will eliminate jobs in the organizations and not function unless you are technologically able.

Thursday, May 1, 2008 is a social book marking website. It can be found at This website was was created in 2003 and in 2005 purchased by Yahoo! This site is very convenient. Most people keep bookmarks on their PC's, however, when they switch computers they do not have access to the websites they have bookmarked. fixes this problem. With you are able to bookmark your favorite sites and access them from any computer with internet access. You are also able to share sites you've bookmarked with other people.

This can be very helpful in an organization. Because this website allows you to share your bookmarks people within an organization can share their bookmarks. This can be helpful for linking information needed for projects or other tasks people may be working on collectively.

-easy to find information you are looking for
-collaborative, use what others have found
-keeps track of websites for you

Though, this technology is really helpful I did find a couple of drawbacks while using the system. The main drawbacks are that you must use the Firefox browser. It is not compatible with Internet Explorer. Though, Firefox is quickly becoming the browser of choice, even if you are using Firefox you are still required to install an extension. This limits the access power you can have on different computers. However, if all the installations are complete the website is very effective in communicating web information to many different people.

Overall I would rate this technology a 3 out of 5.